2-Player Starter Set – Yu-Gi-Oh! - image of product number: 1

2-Player Starter Set – Yu-Gi-Oh!

2,600 RSD

Sold out

Špil za pocetnike. Konstruisan tako da dva igraca imaju mogucnost da pocnu da uce igru od prvih koraka. Set sadrži 2 jednako jaka špila od po 44 karte. Ako nekoga želite da naucite i omogucite mu da udje u svet yu-gi-oha ovo je odlican izbor.

All cards in this set/deck

A single card from the set named: Giant Soldier of StoneA single card from the set named: La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the LampA single card from the set named: Ojama YellowA single card from the set named: Queen's KnightA single card from the set named: RabidragonA single card from the set named: SwordstalkerA single card from the set named: Beast King BarbarosA single card from the set named: Chiron the MageA single card from the set named: Crane CraneA single card from the set named: Cyber DragonA single card from the set named: Dark Magician GirlA single card from the set named: Eldlich the Golden LordA single card from the set named: Fierce Tiger MonghuA single card from the set named: Gagaga MagicianA single card from the set named: GyroidA single card from the set named: Magical BrokerA single card from the set named: Magician of FaithA single card from the set named: Penguin SoldierA single card from the set named: Star DrawingA single card from the set named: White NinjaA single card from the set named: Castel, the Skyblaster MusketeerA single card from the set named: Daigusto EmeralA single card from the set named: Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky ThunderA single card from the set named: Number 20: Giga-BrilliantA single card from the set named: Attraffic ControlA single card from the set named: Book of MoonA single card from the set named: Burden of the MightyA single card from the set named: Cost DownA single card from the set named: Dark Factory of Mass ProductionA single card from the set named: Fighting SpiritA single card from the set named: Gravity Axe - GrarlA single card from the set named: Mystical Space TyphoonA single card from the set named: Night BeamA single card from the set named: Star ChangerA single card from the set named: Swing of MemoriesA single card from the set named: Thousand KnivesA single card from the set named: Trade-InA single card from the set named: Call of the HauntedA single card from the set named: Draining ShieldA single card from the set named: Needle CeilingA single card from the set named: No Entry!!A single card from the set named: Skill SuccessorA single card from the set named: Xyz Reborn

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