Battles of Legend Crystal Revenge - image of product number: 1

Battles of Legend Crystal Revenge

600 RSD

Sold out

Osveta Kristalnih Zveri!
Novi set Battles of Legend Crystal Revenge donosi nove karte koje su se ranije pojavljivale samo u Yu-Gi-Oh crtanim serijalima. Posle izlaska špila Legend of the Crystal Beasts, ovaj set vam donosi dopunu u vidu "mračnih" varijanti Crystal Beast čudovišta!
Ljubitelji karata sa bacanjem kockica će se obradovati sa podrškom za Duke Devlin špil iz originalne DM ere. U ovo setu takođe možete naći reprinte Blackwing karata koje je koristio Crow u 5Ds eri, ali i Toon i Chaos karte!
Meta igrače očekuje reprint popularnih karata poput Accesscode Talker, Number F0: Utopic Draco Future, Borreload Savage Dragon, D.D. Crow i još dosta drugih!
Kolekcionare i ovoga puta očekuju retke Starlight Rare karte, gde se prvi put u ovom reritetu pojavljuju i svih pet delova moćne Exodije! Svako Pakovanje sadrži 5 karata: 4x Ultra Rare + 1x Secret Rare (ili većeg reriteta).

All cards in this set/deck

A single card from the set named: Left Arm of the Forbidden OneA single card from the set named: Left Leg of the Forbidden OneA single card from the set named: Right Arm of the Forbidden OneA single card from the set named: Right Leg of the Forbidden OneA single card from the set named: Advanced Crystal Beast Amber MammothA single card from the set named: Advanced Crystal Beast Amethyst CatA single card from the set named: Advanced Crystal Beast Cobalt EagleA single card from the set named: Advanced Crystal Beast Emerald TortoiseA single card from the set named: Advanced Crystal Beast Ruby CarbuncleA single card from the set named: Advanced Crystal Beast Sapphire PegasusA single card from the set named: Advanced Crystal Beast Topaz TigerA single card from the set named: Blackwing - Blizzard the Far NorthA single card from the set named: Blackwing - Bora the SpearA single card from the set named: Blackwing - Breeze the ZephyrA single card from the set named: Blackwing - Gale the WhirlwindA single card from the set named: Blackwing - Simoon the Poison WindA single card from the set named: Blackwing - Sirocco the DawnA single card from the set named: Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of HonorA single card from the set named: Chaos DaedalusA single card from the set named: Chaos ValkyriaA single card from the set named: Crystal Beast Amber MammothA single card from the set named: Crystal Beast Amethyst CatA single card from the set named: Crystal Beast Cobalt EagleA single card from the set named: Crystal Beast Emerald TortoiseA single card from the set named: Crystal Beast Ruby CarbuncleA single card from the set named: Crystal Beast Sapphire PegasusA single card from the set named: Crystal Beast Topaz TigerA single card from the set named: Crystal SkullA single card from the set named: D.D. CrowA single card from the set named: Doodle Beast - StegoA single card from the set named: Doodle Beast - TyrannoA single card from the set named: Dream CicadaA single card from the set named: Dream SharkA single card from the set named: Dyna BaseA single card from the set named: Edge Imp ChainA single card from the set named: Exodia the Forbidden OneA single card from the set named: G Golem Pebble DogA single card from the set named: G Golem Rock HammerA single card from the set named: Koa'ki Meiru SupplierA single card from the set named: Oily CicadaA single card from the set named: Royal Straight SlasherA single card from the set named: Senko the Skybolt StarA single card from the set named: The Chaos CreatorA single card from the set named: Thunder BallA single card from the set named: Todoroki the Earthbolt StarA single card from the set named: Token CollectorA single card from the set named: Toon Black Luster SoldierA single card from the set named: Toon Harpie LadyA single card from the set named: Yata-GarasuA single card from the set named: Odd-Eyes Persona DragonA single card from the set named: Odd-Eyes Phantasma DragonA single card from the set named: Performapal Odd-Eyes SeerA single card from the set named: Dyna TankA single card from the set named: Raijin the Breakbolt StarA single card from the set named: Blackwing Armor MasterA single card from the set named: Blackwing Full Armor MasterA single card from the set named: Blackwing - Gram the Shining StarA single card from the set named: Borreload Savage DragonA single card from the set named: Doomkaiser DragonA single card from the set named: Revived King Ha DesA single card from the set named: Number 100: Numeron DragonA single card from the set named: Number 2: Ninja Shadow MosquitoA single card from the set named: Number F0: Utopic Draco FutureA single card from the set named: Odd-Eyes Rebellion DragonA single card from the set named: Accesscode TalkerA single card from the set named: Artemis, the Magistus Moon MaidenA single card from the set named: Avendread SaviorA single card from the set named: Blackbeard, the Plunder Patroll CaptainA single card from the set named: Evil★Twin Ki-sikilA single card from the set named: Evil★Twin Lil-laA single card from the set named: G Golem Crystal HeartA single card from the set named: G Golem Dignified TrilithonA single card from the set named: G Golem Invalid DolmenA single card from the set named: G Golem Stubborn MenhirA single card from the set named: Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly SpheresA single card from the set named: Selene, Queen of the Master MagiciansA single card from the set named: Advanced DarkA single card from the set named: Battle of Sleeping SpiritsA single card from the set named: Chaos SpaceA single card from the set named: Clockwork NightA single card from the set named: Curse Reflection DollA single card from the set named: Dice DungeonA single card from the set named: Dimension DiceA single card from the set named: Dragon NailsA single card from the set named: Emblem of the Plunder PatrollA single card from the set named: EN ShuffleA single card from the set named: Frightfur PatchworkA single card from the set named: Fusion DestinyA single card from the set named: Gadget BoxA single card from the set named: Gravity BalanceA single card from the set named: Heroic CallA single card from the set named: Ninjitsu Art of Mosquito MarchingA single card from the set named: Rainbow BridgeA single card from the set named: Royal StraightA single card from the set named: Salamangreat CircleA single card from the set named: StonehengeA single card from the set named: Super PolymerizationA single card from the set named: Tool BoxA single card from the set named: Toon BookmarkA single card from the set named: Toon Page-FlipA single card from the set named: Amazoness HallA single card from the set named: Amazoness Hot SpringA single card from the set named: Doodlebook - Uh uh uh!A single card from the set named: Morphtronic Impact ReturnA single card from the set named: Toon Terror

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