Cyberstorm Access Booster - image of product number: 1

Cyberstorm Access Booster

600 RSD

Sold out

yberstorm Access ima ogroman broj novih moćnih čudovišta za vaš Extra Deck, na čelu sa potpuno novom Link-6 evolucijom
Firewall Dragon-a! Ovaj 3500 ATK behemot vas nagrađuje za kombinovanje klasičnih taktika Cyberse Link Prizivanja sa Ritual, Fusion, Synchro i XYZ čudovištima.U međuvremenu, putovanje Visas Starfrost-a se nastavlja u čudan novi svet! Doživite moćnu novu strategiju Synhro prizivanja dok otkrivate misterije u najnovijem poglavlju ove priče sa
Manadium arhetipom. Gong Strong iz ArcV ere se vraća u veikom stilu na borbu veka sa novim kartama iz njegovog Superheavy Samurai špila, koji se može koristiti i u drugim arhetipima!

All cards in this set/deck

A single card from the set named: Adularia of the June MoonA single card from the set named: Amazement Abomination ArlekinoA single card from the set named: Bunny Ear EnthusiastA single card from the set named: Fallen of ArgyrosA single card from the set named: Firewall DefenserA single card from the set named: Firewall PhantomA single card from the set named: Full Active DuplexA single card from the set named: Gold Pride - Roller BallerA single card from the set named: Guiding Quem, the VirtuousA single card from the set named: Hu-Li the Jewel MikankoA single card from the set named: Icejade Ran AegirineA single card from the set named: Infinitrack Road RollerA single card from the set named: Kitsuni KitsunebiA single card from the set named: Kittytail, Mystical Beast of the ForestA single card from the set named: Mannadium FearlessA single card from the set named: Mannadium MeekA single card from the set named: Mannadium RiumheartA single card from the set named: Nemleria Dream Defender - CouetteA single card from the set named: Nemleria Dream Defender - OreillerA single card from the set named: PurrelylyA single card from the set named: Ringowurm, the Dragon Guarding the Hundred ApplesA single card from the set named: SakitamaA single card from the set named: Superheavy Samurai MotorbikeA single card from the set named: Superheavy Samurai Soulgaia BoosterA single card from the set named: Superheavy Samurai StealthyA single card from the set named: Tellarknight AltairanA single card from the set named: Tellarknight LyranA single card from the set named: The Bystial AluberA single card from the set named: Tsumuha-Kutsunagi the Lord of SwordsA single card from the set named: Visas StarfrostA single card from the set named: VotisA single card from the set named: Wannabee!A single card from the set named: Wish DragonA single card from the set named: Dreaming NemleriaA single card from the set named: Harvest Angel of DoomA single card from the set named: Moissa Knight, the Comet GeneralA single card from the set named: PenduLuMoonA single card from the set named: Superheavy Samurai Monk Big BenkeiA single card from the set named: Superheavy Samurai Prodigy WakaushiA single card from the set named: Cyberse SageA single card from the set named: Albion the Sanctifire DragonA single card from the set named: Beetrooper Cruel SaturnasA single card from the set named: Cyberse DesavewurmA single card from the set named: Dual Avatar - Manifested A-UnA single card from the set named: Gold Pride - Pin BallerA single card from the set named: Vicious AstraloudA single card from the set named: Bystial Dis PaterA single card from the set named: Chaos AngelA single card from the set named: Despian LuluwalilithA single card from the set named: Golden Cloud Beast - MalongA single card from the set named: Mannadium Prime-HeartA single card from the set named: Superheavy Samurai Brave MasurawoA single card from the set named: Superheavy Samurai Commander ShanawoA single card from the set named: Baromet the Sacred Sheep ShrubA single card from the set named: Gold Pride - Chariot CarrieA single card from the set named: Imperial Princess QuinqueryA single card from the set named: Tellarknight Constellar CaduceusA single card from the set named: Virtual World Tiger - FufuA single card from the set named: Firewall Dragon SingularityA single card from the set named: GranSolfachord CooliaA single card from the set named: Protectcode TalkerA single card from the set named: S-Force NightchaserA single card from the set named: Constellar TellarknightsA single card from the set named: Cynet RollbackA single card from the set named: Dream Tower of Princess NemleriaA single card from the set named: Gold Pride - Better Luck Next Time!A single card from the set named: Gold Pride - Pedal to the Metal!A single card from the set named: Gold Pride - That Came Out of Nowhere!A single card from the set named: Gunkan Suship Catch-of-the-DayA single card from the set named: Kashtira AkstraA single card from the set named: Libromancer Origin StoryA single card from the set named: Mannadium AbscissionA single card from the set named: Mannadium ImaginingsA single card from the set named: Mikanko Dance - MayowashidoriA single card from the set named: New FrontierA single card from the set named: Numbers EveilA single card from the set named: Peaceful Planet CalariumA single card from the set named: Pendulum PendantA single card from the set named: Pig Iron vs. Pen PegA single card from the set named: Purrely Sleepy MemoryA single card from the set named: Solfachord SymphonyA single card from the set named: Sweet Dreams, NemleriaA single card from the set named: Swordsoul PunishmentA single card from the set named: Time-Tearing MorganiteA single card from the set named: Tri-Brigade RoarA single card from the set named: A Shattered, Colorless RealmA single card from the set named: Brightest, Blazing, Branded KingA single card from the set named: Cynet CircuitA single card from the set named: Dinomorphia IntactA single card from the set named: Double HookingA single card from the set named: Etude of the BrandedA single card from the set named: Fusion DuplicationA single card from the set named: Gold Pride - It's Neck and Neck!A single card from the set named: HatsugaiA single card from the set named: How Did Dai Get Here?A single card from the set named: Mannadium BreakheartA single card from the set named: Mannadium ReframingA single card from the set named: Rebirth of the Seventh EmperorsA single card from the set named: Reincarnation of the Seventh EmperorsA single card from the set named: REINFORCE!A single card from the set named: Trap Tracks

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