Invasion of Chaos - 25th Anniversary Edition Booster - image of product number: 1

Invasion of Chaos - 25th Anniversary Edition Booster

700 RSD



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Kutija od 24 booster-a Invasion of Chaos - 25th Anniversary Edition. Više o samom setu:
Reprinti booster-a stižu na vreme da proslavimo 25 godišnjicu kartaške igre Yu-Gi-Oh!
Invasion of Chaos je ikonični set iz prošlosti, koji je uveo u igru neverovatno moćne karte poput Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning i Chaos Emperor Dragon – Envoy of the End, ali i legendarne kombinacije karata poput Dark Magician of Chaos i Dimension Fusion.
Svaki booster sadrži 9 karata.

All cards in this set/deck

A single card from the set named: Big KoalaA single card from the set named: Blazing InpachiA single card from the set named: Gemini ElfA single card from the set named: Giga GagagigoA single card from the set named: Mad Dog of DarknessA single card from the set named: Neo BugA single card from the set named: Ojama BlackA single card from the set named: Ojama YellowA single card from the set named: Sea Serpent Warrior of DarknessA single card from the set named: Soul TigerA single card from the set named: Terrorking SalmonA single card from the set named: Amphibious Bugroth MK-3A single card from the set named: Anti-Aircraft FlowerA single card from the set named: Balloon LizardA single card from the set named: Berserk GorillaA single card from the set named: Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the BeginningA single card from the set named: Black TyrannoA single card from the set named: BowganianA single card from the set named: Burning AlgaeA single card from the set named: Cannonball Spear ShellfishA single card from the set named: Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the EndA single card from the set named: Chaos NecromancerA single card from the set named: Chaosrider GustaphA single card from the set named: Chaos SorcererA single card from the set named: Chopman the Desperate OutlawA single card from the set named: Coach GoblinA single card from the set named: Crimson NinjaA single card from the set named: Dark DriceratopsA single card from the set named: Dark Magician of ChaosA single card from the set named: D.D. Scout PlaneA single card from the set named: Des KangarooA single card from the set named: Don TurtleA single card from the set named: DrillagoA single card from the set named: Enraged Battle OxA single card from the set named: FenrirA single card from the set named: Freed the Brave WandererA single card from the set named: Gale LizardA single card from the set named: Getsu FuhmaA single card from the set named: GigantesA single card from the set named: Gora Turtle of IllusionA single card from the set named: GranadoraA single card from the set named: Gren Maju Da EizaA single card from the set named: Guardian Angel JoanA single card from the set named: Hyper HammerheadA single card from the set named: InfernoA single card from the set named: Insect PrincessA single card from the set named: Invader of DarknessA single card from the set named: Lava GolemA single card from the set named: LekungaA single card from the set named: Levia-Dragon - DaedalusA single card from the set named: Lord PoisonA single card from the set named: Manju of the Ten Thousand HandsA single card from the set named: Manticore of DarknessA single card from the set named: Mataza the ZapperA single card from the set named: Molten ZombieA single card from the set named: Orca Mega-Fortress of DarknessA single card from the set named: Pinch HopperA single card from the set named: Prickle FairyA single card from the set named: Ryu KokkiA single card from the set named: Sacred CraneA single card from the set named: Sasuke Samurai #3A single card from the set named: SilpheedA single card from the set named: Skull-Mark LadybugA single card from the set named: Spirit of the Pot of GreedA single card from the set named: Stealth BirdA single card from the set named: Strike NinjaA single card from the set named: The Thing in the CraterA single card from the set named: Torpedo FishA single card from the set named: Witch Doctor of ChaosA single card from the set named: Chaos EndA single card from the set named: Chaos GreedA single card from the set named: D.D. BorderlineA single card from the set named: D.D. DesignatorA single card from the set named: Dedication through Light and DarknessA single card from the set named: Dimension DistortionA single card from the set named: Dimension FusionA single card from the set named: Earth ChantA single card from the set named: Fuhma ShurikenA single card from the set named: Gryphon's Feather DusterA single card from the set named: Heart of the UnderdogA single card from the set named: Jade Insect WhistleA single card from the set named: Multiplication of AntsA single card from the set named: Ojama Delta Hurricane!!A single card from the set named: Primal SeedA single card from the set named: RecycleA single card from the set named: ReloadA single card from the set named: SalvageA single card from the set named: Smashing GroundA single card from the set named: Soul AbsorptionA single card from the set named: Stray LambsA single card from the set named: StumblingA single card from the set named: Thunder CrashA single card from the set named: Ultra Evolution PillA single card from the set named: Wild Nature's ReleaseA single card from the set named: Yellow Luster ShieldA single card from the set named: A Hero EmergesA single card from the set named: Begone, Knave!A single card from the set named: Big BurnA single card from the set named: Blasting the RuinsA single card from the set named: Chain DisappearanceA single card from the set named: Compulsory Evacuation DeviceA single card from the set named: Cursed Seal of the Forbidden SpellA single card from the set named: Curse of DarknessA single card from the set named: Dark Mirror ForceA single card from the set named: Destruction RingA single card from the set named: DNA TransplantA single card from the set named: Energy DrainA single card from the set named: Fiend's Hand MirrorA single card from the set named: Magic CylinderA single card from the set named: Ring of DestructionA single card from the set named: Robbin' ZombieA single card from the set named: Self-Destruct ButtonA single card from the set named: Spatial CollapseA single card from the set named: Tower of BabelA single card from the set named: Trap JammerA single card from the set named: Zero Gravity

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