Legendary Duelist Soulburning Volcano Booster - image of product number: 1

Legendary Duelist Soulburning Volcano Booster

350 RSD

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Kutija od 36 booster-a Legendary Duelist Soulburning Volcano. Više o proizvodu:
Novi Legendary Duelist set donosi vatrenu podršku i reprinte popularnih karaktera iz crtaća. Legendarna tri arhetipa - Salamangreat, Volcanic i Battlin Boxer - dobijaju nove forme svojih najboljih karata!
Svaki booster sadrži 5 karata: 4x Common + 1x Rare (ili većeg reriteta).

All cards in this set/deck

A single card from the set named: Battlin' Boxer Big BandageA single card from the set named: Battlin' Boxer Chief SecondA single card from the set named: Battlin' Boxer GlassjawA single card from the set named: Battlin' Boxer HeadgearedA single card from the set named: Battlin' Boxer PromoterA single card from the set named: Battlin' Boxer Rabbit PuncherA single card from the set named: Battlin' Boxer ShadowA single card from the set named: Battlin' Boxer SwitchitterA single card from the set named: Battlin' Boxer UppercutterA single card from the set named: Salamangreat FowlA single card from the set named: Salamangreat FoxyA single card from the set named: Salamangreat GazelleA single card from the set named: Salamangreat Jack JaguarA single card from the set named: Salamangreat of FireA single card from the set named: Salamangreat SpinnyA single card from the set named: Salamangreat TigerA single card from the set named: Salamangreat WeaselA single card from the set named: Volcanic DoomfireA single card from the set named: Volcanic EmperorA single card from the set named: Volcanic HammererA single card from the set named: Volcanic QueenA single card from the set named: Volcanic RimfireA single card from the set named: Volcanic RocketA single card from the set named: Volcanic ScattershotA single card from the set named: Volcanic ShellA single card from the set named: Volcanic TrooperA single card from the set named: Salamangreat Burst GryphonA single card from the set named: Battlin' Boxer Cheat CommissionerA single card from the set named: Battlin' Boxer King DempseyA single card from the set named: Battlin' Boxer Lead YokeA single card from the set named: Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Star CestusA single card from the set named: Number 79: Battlin' Boxer Nova KaiserA single card from the set named: Number C105: Battlin' Boxer Comet CestusA single card from the set named: Number C79: Battlin' Boxer General KaiserA single card from the set named: Salamangreat MiragestallioA single card from the set named: Salamangreat AlmirajA single card from the set named: Salamangreat BalelynxA single card from the set named: Salamangreat Raging PhoenixA single card from the set named: Salamangreat Sunlight WolfA single card from the set named: Battlin' Boxing SpiritsA single card from the set named: Blaze AcceleratorA single card from the set named: Burning DrawA single card from the set named: Fire EjectionA single card from the set named: Salamangreat ChargeA single card from the set named: Salamangreat CircleA single card from the set named: Salamangreat SanctuaryA single card from the set named: Salamangreat TranscendenceA single card from the set named: Seventh ForceA single card from the set named: Tri-Blaze AcceleratorA single card from the set named: Volcanic Blaze AcceleratorA single card from the set named: Will of the SalamangreatA single card from the set named: Battlin' Boxing Cross CounterA single card from the set named: Blaze Accelerator ReloadA single card from the set named: Jolt CounterA single card from the set named: Last CounterA single card from the set named: Salamangreat RageA single card from the set named: Salamangreat ReviveA single card from the set named: Salamangreat RoarA single card from the set named: Volcanic EmissionA single card from the set named: Volcanic EruptionA single card from the set named: Volcanic Inferno

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