Legendary Duelists: Duels from The Deep Buster - image of product number: 1

Legendary Duelists: Duels from The Deep Buster

350 RSD

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Legendary Duelist Duels From the Deep donosi podršku za legendarna morska čudovišta poput The Legendary Fisherman koje je igrao Mako Tsunami! Nova podrška za ovaj Water špil se može naći u ovom pakovanju, kao i nova čudovišta poput Fish Sonar i Ocean Dragon Lord - Kairyu-Shin. Ljubitelji Yexal ere će se obradovati podrškom za jednog od Barian Imperatora u vidu novi karata podrške za Number 101 i c101. Ljubitelje Vrains ere očekuje reprint populrarnog arhetipa Marincess kao i nove podrške za ovaj špil u vidu nove spell karte Marincess Dive i novog LINK4 čudivišta Marincess Aqua Argonaut.
Meta igrače u ovom setu očekuje tražena karta Forbidden Droplets!

All cards in this set/deck

A single card from the set named: FrostosaurusA single card from the set named: Abyss SharkA single card from the set named: Buzzsaw SharkA single card from the set named: Citadel WhaleA single card from the set named: Crystal SharkA single card from the set named: Cyber SharkA single card from the set named: Doom KrakenA single card from the set named: Double Fin SharkA single card from the set named: Electric JellyfishA single card from the set named: Levia-Dragon - DaedalusA single card from the set named: Marincess Blue TangA single card from the set named: Marincess PascalusA single card from the set named: Marincess Sea HorseA single card from the set named: Marincess Sleepy MaidenA single card from the set named: Marincess SpringirlA single card from the set named: Mega Fortress WhaleA single card from the set named: Ocean Dragon Lord - Kairyu-ShinA single card from the set named: Saber SharkA single card from the set named: Silent AnglerA single card from the set named: The Legendary FishermanA single card from the set named: The Legendary Fisherman IIA single card from the set named: The Legendary Fisherman IIIA single card from the set named: Xyz RemoraA single card from the set named: Bahamut SharkA single card from the set named: CXyz N.As.Ch. KnightA single card from the set named: Full Armored Black Ray LancerA single card from the set named: N.As.H. KnightA single card from the set named: Number 101: Silent Honor ARKA single card from the set named: Number 106: Giant HandA single card from the set named: Number 71: Rebarian SharkA single card from the set named: Number C101: Silent Honor DARKA single card from the set named: Marincess Aqua ArgonautA single card from the set named: Marincess Coral AnemoneA single card from the set named: Marincess Coral TriangleA single card from the set named: Marincess Crystal HeartA single card from the set named: Marincess Marbled RockA single card from the set named: Marincess Sea AngelA single card from the set named: Marincess Wonder HeartA single card from the set named: Barian's Chaos DrawA single card from the set named: Fish SonarA single card from the set named: Forbidden DropletA single card from the set named: Fury of Kairyu-ShinA single card from the set named: Lemuria, the Forgotten CityA single card from the set named: Marincess Battle OceanA single card from the set named: Marincess DiveA single card from the set named: Rage of Kairyu-ShinA single card from the set named: Rank-Up-Magic Quick ChaosA single card from the set named: Rank-Up-Magic - The Seventh OneA single card from the set named: Sea Stealth IIA single card from the set named: Seventh AscensionA single card from the set named: Kairyu-Shin's Dark ReefA single card from the set named: Marincess Bubble RingA single card from the set named: Marincess CirculationA single card from the set named: Marincess WaveA single card from the set named: Sea Stealth AttackA single card from the set named: Seventh EternityA single card from the set named: Torrential Tribute

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