Maze of Memories Booster - image of product number: 1

Maze of Memories Booster

600 RSD

Sold out

Maze of Memories je set prepun karata koje prolaze kroz istoriju Yu-Gi-Oh! Ponovo doživite pojavu Yugijevog prvog ritualnog čudovišta sa novom varijantom Black Luster Soldier – Legendary Swordsman, vratite se u GX školsku godinu pomoću spell karte Duel Academy Field, ili pojačajte vaše synchro špilove sa Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon.

Svakom dobrom lavirintu je potreban čuvar, a Maze of Memories branjen je novim kartama koje revitalizuju kultnog Gate Guardian-a koje su igrali braća Paradox. Kombinujte Kazejina, Suijina i Sangu na bilo koji način da biste posebno pozvali potpuno nova fuziona čudovišta kojih sada ima četiri!
Pored ovih novih karata, igrači mogu naći i reprinte moćnih karata poput Baronne De Fleur i Guardian Chimera!
Svaki booster sadrži 7 karata: 6x Rare + 1x Super Rare (ili većeg reriteta).

All cards in this set/deck

A single card from the set named: Labyrinth WallA single card from the set named: Blackwing - Elphin the RavenA single card from the set named: Blackwing - Kalut the Moon ShadowA single card from the set named: Blackwing - Zephyros the EliteA single card from the set named: Gate GuardianA single card from the set named: KazejinA single card from the set named: Labyrinth Heavy TankA single card from the set named: Mekk-Knight Blue SkyA single card from the set named: Mekk-Knight Red MoonA single card from the set named: Mekk-Knight Yellow StarA single card from the set named: Mudan the Rikka FairyA single card from the set named: Nimble AnglerA single card from the set named: Photon OrbitalA single card from the set named: Psi-BeastA single card from the set named: Red-Eyes SoulA single card from the set named: Rikka PetalA single card from the set named: Sanga of the ThunderA single card from the set named: Shadow Ghoul of the LabyrinthA single card from the set named: SuijinA single card from the set named: Superancient Deepsea King CoelacanthA single card from the set named: Wind-Up KittenA single card from the set named: Performapal Duelist ExtraordinaireA single card from the set named: Black Luster Soldier - Legendary SwordsmanA single card from the set named: Gate Guardian of Thunder and WindA single card from the set named: Gate Guardian of Water and ThunderA single card from the set named: Gate Guardian of Wind and WaterA single card from the set named: Gate Guardians CombinedA single card from the set named: Guardian ChimeraA single card from the set named: Wake Up Your Elemental HEROA single card from the set named: Accel Synchro Stardust DragonA single card from the set named: Ancient Fairy DragonA single card from the set named: Baronne de FleurA single card from the set named: Alsei, the Sylvan High ProtectorA single card from the set named: Number 39: Utopia RisingA single card from the set named: Teardrop the Rikka QueenA single card from the set named: Firewall Dragon Darkfluid - Neo Tempest TerahertzA single card from the set named: Mekk-Knight Crusadia AvramaxA single card from the set named: Angel of Blue TearsA single card from the set named: Barian UntopiaA single card from the set named: Battle Royal Mode - JoiningA single card from the set named: Burial from a Different DimensionA single card from the set named: Chaos FormA single card from the set named: Cost DownA single card from the set named: Court of JusticeA single card from the set named: Double Attack! Wind and Thunder!!A single card from the set named: Duel AcademyA single card from the set named: Evolution End BurstA single card from the set named: KahyoreigetsuA single card from the set named: Labyrinth Wall ShadowA single card from the set named: On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL!A single card from the set named: Overlay NetworkA single card from the set named: Overload FusionA single card from the set named: Rikka GlamourA single card from the set named: Riryoku GuardianA single card from the set named: Saga of the Dragon EmperorA single card from the set named: Spellbook of FateA single card from the set named: Super Soldier RitualA single card from the set named: This Creepy Little PunkA single card from the set named: Deep Dark Trap HoleA single card from the set named: Forge a New FutureA single card from the set named: Imperial Iron WallA single card from the set named: Prey of the Jirai GumoA single card from the set named: Royal DecreeA single card from the set named: Solemn JudgmentA single card from the set named: Soul of the Supreme KingA single card from the set named: Time to Stand UpA single card from the set named: Treacherous Trap Hole

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