Spell Ruler - 25th Anniversary Edition Booster - image of product number: 1

Spell Ruler - 25th Anniversary Edition Booster

700 RSD

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Kutija od 24 booster-a Spell Ruler - 25th Anniversary Edition. Više o samom setu:
Reprinti booster-a stižu na vreme da proslavimo 25 godišnjicu kartaške igre Yu-Gi-Oh!
Spell Ruler je bio prvi set koji je uveo Ritual Spell Cards, Ritual Monsters i Quick-Play Spell karte kao što je Mystical Space Typhoon. Ovo je bilo prvo pojavljivanje Pegazovog Toon World-a i Toon čudovišta iz prve Yu-Gi-Oh! animirane serije, uključujući i omiljenog Plavookog Toon Dragon-a! Pridružile su im se moćne Spell karte kao što su 
Delinquent Duo
Snatch Steal i Painful Choice.
Svaki booster sadrži 9 karata.

All cards in this set/deck

A single card from the set named: Ancient One of the Deep ForestA single card from the set named: Dark WitchA single card from the set named: Fire KrakenA single card from the set named: Giant Turtle Who Feeds on FlamesA single card from the set named: Guardian of the Throne RoomA single card from the set named: High Tide GyojinA single card from the set named: HyozanryuA single card from the set named: Labyrinth WallA single card from the set named: Liquid BeastA single card from the set named: Mechanical SnailA single card from the set named: Metal FishA single card from the set named: OctoberserA single card from the set named: PeacockA single card from the set named: Psychic KappaA single card from the set named: Queen BirdA single card from the set named: Red Archery GirlA single card from the set named: Ryu-RanA single card from the set named: Serpent Night DragonA single card from the set named: Slot MachineA single card from the set named: Stone Ogre GrottoA single card from the set named: Twin Long Rods #2A single card from the set named: Tyhone #2A single card from the set named: Whiptail CrowA single card from the set named: AmebaA single card from the set named: Banisher of the LightA single card from the set named: Blue-Eyes Toon DragonA single card from the set named: Boar SoldierA single card from the set named: Ceremonial BellA single card from the set named: Cyber JarA single card from the set named: Dark ZebraA single card from the set named: Electric SnakeA single card from the set named: Flash AssailantA single card from the set named: Flying Kamakiri #1A single card from the set named: Giant GermA single card from the set named: Giant RatA single card from the set named: GriggleA single card from the set named: Hiro's Shadow ScoutA single card from the set named: Invader of the ThroneA single card from the set named: Jigen BakudanA single card from the set named: Karate ManA single card from the set named: KotodamaA single card from the set named: Maha VailoA single card from the set named: Manga Ryu-RanA single card from the set named: MinarA single card from the set named: Mother GrizzlyA single card from the set named: Mystic TomatoA single card from the set named: Nimble MomongaA single card from the set named: Penguin KnightA single card from the set named: Senju of the Thousand HandsA single card from the set named: Shining AngelA single card from the set named: Sonic BirdA single card from the set named: Spear CretinA single card from the set named: Toon MermaidA single card from the set named: Toon Summoned SkullA single card from the set named: UFO TurtleA single card from the set named: Wall ShadowA single card from the set named: Weather ReportA single card from the set named: Crab TurtleA single card from the set named: Hungry BurgerA single card from the set named: Performance of SwordA single card from the set named: RelinquishedA single card from the set named: Axe of DespairA single card from the set named: Black Illusion RitualA single card from the set named: Black PendantA single card from the set named: Chain EnergyA single card from the set named: Chorus of SanctuaryA single card from the set named: Commencement DanceA single card from the set named: ConfiscationA single card from the set named: Curse of FiendA single card from the set named: Darkness ApproachesA single card from the set named: Delinquent DuoA single card from the set named: Eternal RestA single card from the set named: Final DestinyA single card from the set named: Gaia PowerA single card from the set named: Giant TrunadeA single card from the set named: Gravekeeper's ServantA single card from the set named: Hamburger RecipeA single card from the set named: Horn of LightA single card from the set named: Horn of the UnicornA single card from the set named: Luminous SparkA single card from the set named: Magical LabyrinthA single card from the set named: Malevolent NuzzlerA single card from the set named: MegamorphA single card from the set named: Messenger of PeaceA single card from the set named: Molten DestructionA single card from the set named: Mystical Space TyphoonA single card from the set named: Mystic Plasma ZoneA single card from the set named: Painful ChoiceA single card from the set named: Rising Air CurrentA single card from the set named: Rush RecklesslyA single card from the set named: Snatch StealA single card from the set named: Tailor of the FickleA single card from the set named: The Forceful SentryA single card from the set named: The Reliable GuardianA single card from the set named: TollA single card from the set named: Toon WorldA single card from the set named: Turtle OathA single card from the set named: UmiirukaA single card from the set named: Upstart GoblinA single card from the set named: EatgaboonA single card from the set named: Fairy's Hand MirrorA single card from the set named: House of Adhesive TapeA single card from the set named: Snake FangA single card from the set named: Spellbinding Circle

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