The Crimson King Structure Deck - image of product number: 1

The Crimson King Structure Deck

1,600 RSD



Sold out

Postanite gosporar table uz pomoć Džekovog špila i prizovite moćna synchro čudovišta poput Red Supernova Dragon i Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity!
U tome će vam pomoći čuvena Resonator čudovišta kao i nove moćne karte poput Red Zone i Crimson Gaia.

All cards in this set/deck

A single card from the set named: Absolute King Back JackA single card from the set named: Ascator, DawnwalkerA single card from the set named: Assault BeastA single card from the set named: Battle FaderA single card from the set named: Bone ArchfiendA single card from the set named: Creation ResonatorA single card from the set named: Crimson ResonatorA single card from the set named: Danger! Chupacabra!A single card from the set named: Danger! Nessie!A single card from the set named: Dark ResonatorA single card from the set named: Fire Ant AscatorA single card from the set named: Magical King MoonstarA single card from the set named: Phantom King HydrideA single card from the set named: Psi-ReflectorA single card from the set named: Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault ModeA single card from the set named: Red ResonatorA single card from the set named: Red SprinterA single card from the set named: Red WargA single card from the set named: Soul ResonatorA single card from the set named: Synkron ResonatorA single card from the set named: Vice DragonA single card from the set named: Vision ResonatorA single card from the set named: Wandering King WildwindA single card from the set named: Witch of the Black ForestA single card from the set named: Hot Red Dragon Archfiend AbyssA single card from the set named: Hot Red Dragon Archfiend BaneA single card from the set named: Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King CalamityA single card from the set named: Red Dragon ArchfiendA single card from the set named: Red Nova DragonA single card from the set named: Red Rising DragonA single card from the set named: Red Supernova DragonA single card from the set named: Scarlight Red Dragon ArchfiendA single card from the set named: Scarred Dragon ArchfiendA single card from the set named: Absolute PowerforceA single card from the set named: Burning SoulA single card from the set named: Crimson GaiaA single card from the set named: Pot of ExtravaganceA single card from the set named: Resonator CallA single card from the set named: Resonator CommandA single card from the set named: Resonator EngineA single card from the set named: Assault Mode ActivateA single card from the set named: Fiendish ChainA single card from the set named: Fiendish GolemA single card from the set named: King's SynchroA single card from the set named: Powerful RebirthA single card from the set named: Red ReignA single card from the set named: Red ZoneA single card from the set named: Terrors of the OverrootA single card from the set named: Time to Stand Up

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