Valiant Smashers Booster - image of product number: 1

Valiant Smashers Booster

600 RSD

Sold out

Kutija od 24 booster-a Valiant Smashers Više o proizvodu:
Valiant Smashers je novi "Deck Buliding" set koji donos tri nova arhetipa. 
Stara čudovišta dolaze u novom obliku sa Mementotlan arhetipom! Uništenjem svojih karata, dajete bonuse vašim Mementotlan čudovištima - od mogućnosti uništenja protivničkih karata, pa sve do specijalnih prizivanja iz špila!
Dostignite savršenu harmoniju uz pomoć Vaalmonica arhetipa! Koristite mehanike dobijanja životnih bodova i nanošenje štete da postavite Resonance brojače na vaše karte i potom prizovete moćna link čudvišta!
Iznenadite vaše protvinke sa Synchro prizivanjem u protivničkom potezu uz pomoć Centur-Ion arhetipa! Ova čudovišta imaju mogućnost da se postave u vašu spell/trap zonu i u pravom trenutku "iskoče" nazad na tablu i odmah prizovu Level 12 Synchro čudovišta poput Centur-Ion Legatia!
Ovaj set sadrži i reprinte popularnih karata poput Draco Berserker of the Tenyi, Gravity Collapse, Archlord Kristya i još dosta drugih!
Svaki booster sadrži 7 karata: 6x Rare + 1 Super Rare (ili većeg reriteta)

All cards in this set/deck

A single card from the set named: Abominable Unchained SoulA single card from the set named: Archlord KristyaA single card from the set named: Archnemeses EschatosA single card from the set named: Centur-Ion Emeth VIA single card from the set named: Centur-Ion PrimeraA single card from the set named: Centur-Ion TrudeaA single card from the set named: Dark HonestA single card from the set named: Ghost Sister & Spooky DogwoodA single card from the set named: HonestA single card from the set named: Ibicella LuteaA single card from the set named: Meklord Emperor GranelA single card from the set named: Meklord Emperor WiselA single card from the set named: Mementoal Tecuhtlica - Combined CreationA single card from the set named: Mementotlan AngwitchA single card from the set named: Mementotlan Dark BladeA single card from the set named: Mementotlan GoblinA single card from the set named: Mementotlan-Horned DragonA single card from the set named: Mementotlan MaceA single card from the set named: Mementotlan TatsunootoshigoA single card from the set named: Performage Trick ClownA single card from the set named: Protecting Spirit LoagaethA single card from the set named: Summoner MonkA single card from the set named: Angello VaalmonicaA single card from the set named: Dimonno VaalmonicaA single card from the set named: Angel of ZeraA single card from the set named: Centur-Ion LegatiaA single card from the set named: Colossal FighterA single card from the set named: Draco Berserker of the TenyiA single card from the set named: Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired TapirA single card from the set named: Duralume, Vaalmonican Heathen HallowA single card from the set named: Zebufera, Vaalmonican Hallow HeathenA single card from the set named: Advance DrawA single card from the set named: Centur-Ion BondsA single card from the set named: Emblema OathA single card from the set named: Foolish BurialA single card from the set named: Magic PlanterA single card from the set named: MementomictlanA single card from the set named: Mementotlan Bone BackA single card from the set named: Mementotlan Bone PartyA single card from the set named: Stand Up Centur-Ion!A single card from the set named: Supply SquadA single card from the set named: TerraformingA single card from the set named: Vaalmonica IntonareA single card from the set named: Vaalmonica SceltaA single card from the set named: Vaalmonica, the Agathokakological VoiceA single card from the set named: Vaalmonica VersareA single card from the set named: Valhalla, Hall of the FallenA single card from the set named: Apophis the Swamp DeityA single card from the set named: Call of the HauntedA single card from the set named: Centur-Ion PhalanxA single card from the set named: Centur-Ion True AwakeningA single card from the set named: Gravity CollapseA single card from the set named: Imperial CustomA single card from the set named: Mementotlan Cranium BurstA single card from the set named: Mementotlan Fracture DanceA single card from the set named: Stained Glass of Light & DarkA single card from the set named: Synchro TransmissionA single card from the set named: There Can Be Only OneA single card from the set named: Vaalmonica Chosen MelodyA single card from the set named: Vaalmonica Followed Rhythm

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